
I'm an Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe Certified Instructor, Adobe Community Professional, and Adobe Community MVP (Most Valuable Participant). I provide web development and technical training.


Adobe Certified Expert, Advanced ColdFusion 8
Adobe Certified Expert, Captivate 3
Adobe Certified Expert, ColdFusion 8
Adobe Certified Expert, Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Certified Expert, Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Certified Expert, Flash CS3
Adobe Certified Expert, Flash CS4
Adobe Certified Expert, Flash CS5
Adobe Certified Expert, Web Specialist CS3
Adobe Certified Expert, Web Specialist CS4


Adobe Certified Instructor, Advanced ColdFusion 8 Development
Adobe Certified Instructor, Captivate 3
Adobe Certified Instructor, Contribute CS3
Adobe Certified Instructor, Contribute CS4
Adobe Certified Instructor, Director 11
Adobe Certified Instructor, Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Certified Instructor, Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Certified Instructor, Fast Track to ColdFusion 8
Adobe Certified Instructor, Flash CS3
Adobe Certified Instructor, Flash CS3: Flash Video
Adobe Certified Instructor, Flash CS4
Adobe Certified Instructor, Flash CS4: Flash Video
Adobe Certified Instructor, Flash CS5
Adobe Certified Instructor, Web Specialist


Adobe Community Professional

Adobe Community MVP (Most Valuable Participant)